Live in Reckless Service – Free Chapter

You. Are. Loved.
Live the Love Song

Read the book:

Dance like no one’s watching; sing like no one’s listening, those are ways you might be reckless in your service to God.
~ Our web chapter begins with King David and his willingness to be even more undignified in his worship of God.
~ Martha and Mary tee up our next section as we determine it’s often necessary to keep singing even when no one is listening and you get no credit for your work.

Note: Once you click the download button below, you should see the tab for the pdf at the bottom of your web browsers. Right-click the tab and open the document, then save it from there. Or for Mac users, you should be able to drag the item onto your desktop.

When you’re finished with this month’s chapter and Takeaway, let me know your thoughts. Leave comments here and/or at the YAL Facebook Community. If you haven’t joined us there yet and would like to, click the link below to join:

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